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Adult English course in Hong Kong

Private English lessons with a foreigner at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels

This English course is for adults who want to learn with a Westerner English tutor individually or together with their friends in a small group.

If you are an employee, manager, business owner, housewife, university student and want to communicate better with your boss, colleagues, local or overseas customers, suppliers or want to prepare for an exam, presentation, interview, travel, social life or just want to speak with people from other countries, understand the news, TV programs and movies, these classes will help you.

Beginner, intermediate and advanced level adult English classes
Adult English conversation course

If you are an advanced level adult, you are going to learn about a wide variety of topics related to everyday situation, work, travel, self-development, health, influence etc.

If your oral communication skill is not good enough for conversation, we are going to focus on developing your language skills especially your listening, pronunciation, grammar and basic speaking skills. These types of exercises are also available for you even if you are a relatively fluent English speaker.

job interview for adults with English improvement

My adult students often work as: merchandisers, office clerks, accountants, sales people, teachers, lawyers, engineers, IT experts, waiters or in various jobs in tourism related businesses. Some students work for the government: policemen, firemen, immigration officers and so on.

English student learn for work

Besides employees, business people who own their small or big business also come to learn English.

Some student do not use English at work or do not even work (housewives). They just want to improve their English to make friends, travel or understand movies better. Some prepare to study or work abroad or plan to go for a work holiday in Australia or other country.

daily English

Some people come to learn English just for fun and enjoy interesting conversations and want some cultural exchange with a foreigner. Some parents come to learn English so they can help their kids to improve their English.

Topics for adult English learners

Here are some topics that may come up during the free conversation and on the role play section:

  • Office and work situations
  • Travelling abroad
  • Study
  • Shopping
  • Friends and family
  • Transportation
  • Movies, music, books
  • Health and disease
  • Money and investment
  • Self-introduction
  • Eating out, restaurants
  • Politics and government
  • Telling interesting stories
  • Computer and Internet
  • Personal development, mind
  • Environment
  • Pets: cats, dogs and rats
  • Dating, finding a boyfriend or girlfriend
English for adult students

For some of the topics I dedicated a web page or even a whole web site. See the site map page for the links to them.